concept of the Trinity of God is hard for many people to understand. Rationally
and mathematically it doesn’t make sense. How can three make one? Or how can One
God have three distinct spiritual essences? Long ago St. Patrick in sharing the
Gospel message with the Irish people also had to explain this concept to the
pagans in Ireland. The Irish pagans worshiped things in nature, so they had a
hard time believing in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as
One God. As Patrick explained Salvation to them, they could not understand
how Christ and His offer of Salvation to all who would believe upon Him could
be part of three in One. So, God pointed St. Patrick to the shamrock plant
whose leaf has three distinct parts. Although each leaf is just one leaf, the shamrock
plant is also unique, because there are three very distinct sections to each leaf.
When the pagans saw the concept of three in one in nature, they were finally able
to understand the Trinity of God, i.e. the Father, the Son, and the Holy
visual explanation, though, could not be used in areas of the world that did
not have a shamrock plant. So, rather than being able to understand the Trinity
of God, many other false religions have disregarded the Truth. Adding to
their lack of understanding are the many misunderstandings that come about from our
explanations, as many Christians fail to read the Bible in order to be able to explain the Trinity of God to others. Certainly non-Christians are not reading the Bible, so they have confusion from our uninformed explanations and their own lack of understanding when God is explained correctly. All this leads to disbelief, especially from the religious leaders of other religions. Consequently, in many cases, entire groups of people have come to hate Christians for their belief in a God that has three essences.
Such is the case with Muslims and the religion of Islam.
of the reasons that Muslims hate Christians so much is because of our belief in the
Trinity of God. Muslims believe that we are worshiping three false gods. They
believe that Mohammed’s “Allah” is the only true god. Therefore, Muslims think that we are being heretical and disrespectful to their god by
worshiping God. But the main reason they think that God is a false God has to do with the words of Mohammed, which were written against the God of the Jews and Christians. Mohammed also did not understand the Trinity of God and his lack of understanding was shared with others in the Qur'an. Consequently, many Muslims simply believe that Christians worship three gods. They do not understand how three
essences or spiritual beings make up the Trinity of God. Moreover, their failure to know
or understand how and why Mohammed created their god has led to a deep hatred in most Muslims for both Jews who
believe in God and Christians who believe in the Trinity of God.
hatred for our belief in God all stems from the founder of their religion,
Mohammed, who created the Islamic religion. Mohammed was an illiterate man, who
at first had tried to understand the God of the Hebrews and the Christians. Mohammed got angry with the Jews worship of God, but his anger grew worse when he just could not wrap his mind around the Christians' God who was three in One. To make matters worse, Mohammed also couldn’t read the biblical Scriptures, so what little information he got from the different sects of those who followed Christ was just bits and pieces
of the Truth. This confused Mohammed even more.
Mohammed lived in an area that had worshipers of over three hundred different gods and
goddesses, so it was easy for Mohammed to become confused about the many different
religions at that time. Then, Mohammed had an encounter with an evil spirit
that eventually began to control what he did. In fact, it is recorded that
Mohammed had several encounters with this evil spirit who told him what to write
in the Qur’an (See the
story of Mohammed’s life in the Hadith
al-Bukhari. Also explained in What Every American Needs to Know
about the Qur’an: A History of Islam and the United States by William J.
Isn’t this just like the devil! For the devil always tries to distort the Truth
in such a way that God’s Truth is rejected by many. This is exactly how
Mohammed was used by the devil, for Mohammed took bits and pieces of several
religions to finally make up the religion of Islam.
was manipulated by the evil spirit to develop his own religion. But, adding to
Mohammed’s misunderstandings and his manipulation by the evil spirit was his
own emotional instability that created a volatile nature within him. Mohammed’s
volatile nature was finally inflamed when he and his ideas were rejected by both the Hebrews and
the Christians after Mohammed tried to incorporate elements of the Jewish and
Christian religions into his new idea of Allah and Islam. In fact, it is
recorded that Mohammed “tried to convert
those who came to worship Mecca’s 360 different pagan gods. Though hoping his
faith would be embraced by Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians and Pagans, as it had
element of each, he only converted 150.” – (p. 44. What
Every American Needs to Know about the Qur’an). Then when the Jews
and Christians rejected Mohammed’s new religion, his first written more
peaceful verses in the Qur’an that related to the Jews and Christians were immediately
changed. Mohammed’s volatile anger toward the Jews and Christians grew then, which caused Mohammed to
insert writings of violence against the Jews and Christians in his Qur’an.
(Remember that you can easily read just one section at a time without reading the whole week's blog at one sitting. I hope you feel that this one is worth the read.)
The Hate of Islam versus the Love of Christianity
of Mohammed’s misunderstanding of the Trinity and his unwillingness to allow
Jews and Christians to worship the way that they pleased, Mohammed went on a
rampage to kill all those who had disagreed with him. Worse still was his call in
the Qur’an for all his followers to kill all the infidels, which is still in force today. It is truly sad that
a person’s inability to understand the Trinity of God and his unwillingness “to love others as he loves himself”
would lead to decades and centuries of murder and jihad all to make the world
turn to the hate of Islam. But, Mohammed no longer wanted to allow
people to “live and let live”. Instead he wanted to conquer the world for
Islam, and Mohammed used the promotion of hate to attempt to do so.
can be a very powerful emotion that destroys many lives, and such is the case
for those who profess to believe in Islam. Their hate destroys the lives of
those they hate, as well as ultimately destroying their own lives. Sadly, through
Mohammed’s hate, “Mohammed divided the
world into two parts; those who have submitted to the will of Allah (the
name of Mohammed’s god) and those yet to
submit. He called these the House of Islam (dar al-Islam) and the House of War
(dar al-harb). Whereas “world peace” to a Westerner means peaceful coexistence,
“world peace” to a Muslim means “world Islam”, the world submitting to the will
of Allah.” – (p. 17. What Every American Needs to
Know about the Qur’an, by William J. Federer).
course, there are those moderate Muslims
who believe that Allah’s return for the final “Hour of Judgment” is so far off into the future that they can go ahead and get along with non-Muslims until Allah returns and
judges all people. That is why they keep a low profile even though they
ultimately believe that those who don’t follow Allah are damned. Moderate Muslims also do
not want the Fundamental violent
Muslims to turn against them for not being violent enough, so they just
do not get politically involved until they are forced to. In the meantime they keep a low profile of internal hate. However, there are
those Fundamental violent Muslims
who believe that they are helping to fulfill the “destiny” of Islam by killing
any and all who do not follow Islam. Indeed, we have recently seen what these
violent jihadists Muslims, i.e. ISIS, will do to impose Islamic rule throughout
the world. And to think that this religion of hate, i.e. Islam, all started
with one disturbed and emotionally violent man who could not understand
the Trinity of God or understand the concept of a peace loving God. But, it was
the actual rejection of his newly created religion that caused Mohammed to put action to his hate and want to take
revenge on those who did not accept his ideas or his amalgamation of several
beliefs into one religion. Mohammed's anger and his misunderstandings basically created his religion of hate, Islam.
It takes energy to hate. It takes energy and time as well. On the other hand, it is so much easier to love and care about others. In fact, God wants us to love others and He wants to bless us for helping and caring about those who need our support and help. America's love for others has led to many blessings from God. But, we still have so much to do as a country and individually. First we need to show our love for others by sharing the Good News. We also need to share the Gospel message with as many people as we can. That is why understanding the Trinity of God is so important to our sharing of the Salvation message, and why our being willing to actively mentor others for the Lord is an important service that all Christians can perform. We need to be able to explain our love of God to anyone.
The Trinity of God
religions besides Islam have a problem with the
Trinity of God, too. In fact, most of the world’s religions cannot understand
why Christians believe in the Trinity of God. That is why I would like to give
you some information that could help you in sharing the Gospel message as well
as help you in your mentoring of others. The Trinity of God is truly not hard
to understand. It is even easier, though, when a person actually accepts Christ
as their Savior, because the Holy Spirit immediately indwells each new believer. For, it is
the Holy Spirit who gives us the assurance of our Salvation and our inheritance
as children of God, i.e. eternal life. For we are told that "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God." -- (Romans 8: 16. NASB). The Scriptures also tell us, “But
when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved
us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but
according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the
Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our
Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs
according to the hope of eternal life.” –
(Titus 3: 4-7. NASB). As you can read, both Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit are part of the Trinity of God. It is the Son of God, Jesus Christ Who came to earth to "Save" us from eternal death. Then it is the Holy Spirit Who testifies that we are indeed Saved and will spend eternity in Heaven with God.
is it so hard for people to understand the Trinity of God? Perhaps, it is
because so many people have not read the Bible, nor do they want to read it.
However, there are also those liberal theologians who have departed from the
fundamental truths of the Bible to advocate for their belief in the falseness of
the concept of the Trinity of God. Now, these liberal theologians are
expressing the same doubt that Muslims have had about the Trinity of God. Unfortunately,
many, if not all, of these liberal theologians are not truly “Saved.” How can I say that? Well, for those
who have truly been “Saved”, there is no doubt whatsoever that God has three
essences, because with Salvation we have the Holy Spirit living within us testifying to our spirit that we are indeed "Saved". We also feel
the Holy Spirit directing and guiding our lives, as we live to glorify the
Father and shine the light of Christ on the world. True Christians have also seen
the results of praying to God, the Father, through Jesus Christ, the Son and
our Intercessor. We also live daily listening to the directions and guidance
that we can receive from the Holy Spirit. Our “Saved” lives through Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, then become a living testimony to the Trinity of God,
i.e. the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
true Christians understand the Trinity of God, within our mentoring of others
and in our sharing of the Gospel message, we often need to be able to explain
the Trinity of God to those who are lost or to those who are questioning why
the Godhead is three in one. The only way that we can explain the Godhead is to
know the biblical Scriptures and to be able to explain the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit once a person is “Saved.” So, this week, I want to attempt to give
you some information that may be able to help you in shining the light of
Christ into the world. I also hope that it will help you to explain the Trinity
of God to your mentees, family, friends and to those who are not “Saved”.
is God?
is the Great “I AM”. This is the name that God gave to Moses so that Moses
could go back to Egypt and tell the Israelites and Pharaoh that it was God Who was telling them
to leave Egypt. For, “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM’; and He
said, thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent Me to
you.’ … This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all
generations.’” --
(Exodus 3: 14, 15. NASB). What a Name! But, even before God spoke
to Moses regarding His name, I AM, the book of Genesis tells us a
great deal about Who God is.
the beginning, God has given us information about Himself, i.e. His three
spiritual essences. In fact, God never tried to hide Who He is or tried to hide
His character and traits. Even from the first book in the Bible, which taken together is God’s
Love Story for humans, we can learn a great deal of information about God.
Indeed, from the first sentence and then throughout the Bible, we are
introduced to and are continually reminded of the Trinity of God. Accordingly, God
gives us information about all three essences of His being; Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit within the Scriptures.
starts His biblical love story, by giving Moses the first five books of the
Bible to record. It is then in the first book of the Bible that Moses records these
words for God: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was
formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the
Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” –
(Genesis 1: 1-2 NASB). It is within these first two verses that
we are introduced both to God and to the
Spirit of God, who is the Holy Spirit. Later, we discover from Jesus' words that
it is the Holy Spirit who is the Comforter, Helper, or Counselor. The Holy
Spirit is also called the “Spirit of Truth”. For, Jesus Christ
told His followers that when He went back to Heaven to be with the Father that
He would send them the Holy Spirit. He said, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you
another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit
of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or
know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.” -- (John 14: 16, 17.
So, those who receive Salvation, also receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit
who helps them and guides them into living for Christ.
we just saw, however, long before Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit, we were
introduced to Him within the first two verses of the Bible. But, it is also
within the first book of the Bible that we learn more about God, the Father, as
well as “The Trinity of God”. For, we read in the first chapter of
Genesis that God created light from darkness, waters and oceans separate from dry
land, night and day, vegetables and plants, stars in the sky, and living
creatures; some creatures on the land with others to swim in the oceans and some to even fly in the air.
God created man. Although all this creation occurred long before Moses was even
created, God had Moses record the following words, “Then God said, ‘Let Us
make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them
rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle
and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’
God created man in His own image, in the image of God, He created him; male and
female He created them.’” – (Genesis 1: 26, 27.
that God had Moses record the words, “Let
Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness…”. In other
words, God patterned humans after the image of the Trinity of God.
Obviously, there was a reason that God wanted those particular words recorded.
I believe that God wanted us to know that He
is made up of more than one entity or essence within the Godhead of Who He is. I
also believe that God was telling us through the words “according to Our likeness” that He was giving us some of the
characteristics of Trinity of God. Furthermore, among the many characteristics
and abilities given to us, God also gave us the things that we would need in order to be
able to create, love and reason, and to
ultimately then be able to accept Salvation when it was presented or offered to us. We
can recognize our need for repentance and the gift of Salvation, because God,
i.e. The Trinity of God gave us the
ability to do so.
liberal theologians, though, have suggested that the words, Us, and Our, are just referring to the counsel of beings or the hosts of
beings surrounding God. Certainly, God has told us in other verses within His biblical
love story that there is indeed a counsel of beings or holy hosts of beings
that surround Him, including God’s angels who continually glorify God. However,
that does not make those particular words of Us, and Our, to mean that
God was referring to the host of beings surrounding Him. That might be the
case, were it not for Genesis 1: 2, which says that “the Spirit of God was
hovering over the surface of the waters.” The Spirit of God is not part of
the angelic hosts or other beings surrounding God, and I will show you this as
we get more into the Spirit of God or
more information about the Holy Spirit being a part of the Trinity of God.
third essence within the Trinity of God is the Son of God. Among the many other
Scriptures that God gave to the writers of the Bible to record, were the specific words that describe the Son of God. First, there is The Gospel of
John wherein the Apostle John was given the following words through the
Holy Spirit to write in God’s love story that says: “In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the
beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart
from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life,
and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the
darkness did not comprehend it.” – (John 1: 1-5. NASB).
These verses are a description of the third essence or of the third being existing within
or being a part of the Godhead or the Trinity of God. This third being is Jesus
Christ, i.e. the Word and the Son. Jesus is called the Word, because He spoke
the words that created light, night and day, animals, vegetation, oceans and
lands, etc. Jesus is the One Who through His spoken word brought everything
into existence. It is also through Jesus Christ’s Words that we learn about
God’s gift of Salvation. However, it is not only His Words, but also the actions of
Jesus Christ in dying on the Cross and in His resurrection, which gives those who believe on
Christ the right to spend eternity with God. As part of the Trinity of God Jesus Christ gave us the gift of Salvation
loves us, i.e. His humans, so much that He was willing to sacrifice a part of
Himself, His only Son, to save mankind from our ultimate destruction and death.
For, after the fall from the Garden of Eden, mankind had to live in a fallen
world that is daily tempted by Satan. We sin daily, and as sinners we cannot
enter into the presence of God. Without help from Christ and the Holy Spirit,
we would all die forever and spend eternity in Hell. However, to show His love,
and to bestow His grace and mercy upon us, God sent Jesus Christ, His Son, into
the world to tell us the Truth, to show His love, and then to die for our sins,
so in repenting and accepting Christ as our risen Lord and Savior, we could be
made righteous before a righteous and holy God. To do this God made this great sacrifice
for us.
Apostle John records God’s description of Christ in order to help us understand
who Christ is. Through the inspiration of God, the Apostle John wrote: “And the
Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the
only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” –
(John 1: 14. NASB). So, Christ, the One who spoke the earth
into existence actually became flesh for our benefit. Those who were there when
Christ came to earth and those who walked and talked with Him, could indeed see
that Jesus Christ was full of glory from the Father and that He was indeed the
Son of God. Today, we, too, can see Christ and His glory through our personal
repentance and Salvation. Only with true Salvation and the re-birth experience can
one truly understand the depth of Christ’s glory, receive the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit and have the peace that Christ gives us in knowing that we are
truly “Saved” and will one day spend eternity with The Trinity of God.
Holy and Righteous God Has Sadness Over Our Disobedience and Lack of Respect.
before God sent His Only Son into the world as the ultimate sacrifice for our
sins, God, The Father, gave mankind every opportunity to love and obey Him.
Unfortunately, mankind became so prideful and disobedient that people became
more and more decadent, evil and immoral. God could not stand to see what mankind
had fallen into and become. So, one day “… the Lord said, ‘My Spirit shall not
strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless, his days shall
be one hundred and twenty years.’” – (Genesis 6: 3. NASB).
In other words, God felt that man was living too long, especially with all the
evil intent that man had in his heart. Man was not immortal but merely flesh
that would turn back into the dust of the earth when he died. So, God decided to number man’s
days. Notice, though, the other reason that God limited man’s days upon earth.
Originally, God had given people the chance to live to 800 and even 900 years
old. In fact, Methuselah lived to be nine hundred and sixty-nine years old; the
oldest man recorded in the Bible. (See Genesis 5: 27). With mankind’s long lives, the Holy Spirit was
continually striving or trying to get mankind to look toward God and to live
for Him. Unfortunately, humans wanted to do what they wanted to do and that did
not include living for God. Moreover, God was sad and angry, because people
would not listen to Him or listen for Him. How would you feel if everyone
turned against you? Wouldn’t you be grieved? That is how God felt. Furthermore,
people would not even think upon God, so God’s Spirit was very grieved.
God said that “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever”. In other words, God
was no longer going to allow mankind to have long lives. But, God didn’t stop
there. For, “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth,
and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in
His heart. The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the
face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to the birds of
the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them. But Noah found favor in the eyes
of the Lord.” – (Genesis 6: 5-8. NASB.).
found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” Well, you all probably know the
rest of this part of God’s love story. God created mankind out of love, and He wanted to save Noah, so God spoke to
Noah. Noah heard God and listened to God. Then Noah built an ark, and he, his
wife, and his sons and their wives along with all the animals that God told him
to save, were put on the huge ark that had taken Noah one hundred twenty years
to build. Finally, the rains came and flooded the earth killing all the animals
and all the evil people outside of the ark. But, Noah and his family along with
the animals were saved, and once the waters receded they would repopulate the
earth. This new group of people were then told to scatter themselves over all
the face of the earth.
didn’t take long for this original small group of people to multiply in number.
During this time period, all the people also spoke the same language as they
were all related to each other from one portion of Noah’s family or another.
Eventually, they became a large group of people and migrated east together to a plain in the
land of Shinar. It was there
that because of their reasoning skills and their ability to build and create
that they decided to build a tower into the heavens. Unfortunately, at the same
time they again turned away from God Who had saved Noah and his family from the
flood a few decades before. In fact, these people would not even exist had it
not been for God’s Salvation of Noah’s family during the flood. But, pride and
forgetfulness often gets in the way of our seeing the Truth. In fact, this was exactly
what happened to those people.
All the people turned from worshiping God to
worshiping a false god, which in this case, was a false goddess called Ishtar.
They also refused to migrate to other areas of the earth, because they believed
that there was power in numbers and power in their maintaining their common goals.
Moreover, because of their common language and political unity, they no longer
believed in their Creator, but instead believed in their power to reason,
create and accomplish all things together.
however, was not happy with the people. For, these people had said, “Come
let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into the
heavens, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered
abroad over the face of the earth.” But then “The Lord came down to see the
city and the tower which the sons of men had built. The Lord said, ‘Behold,
they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they
began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.
Come let Us go down and there confuse their language, so they
will not understand one another’s speech.’ So, the Lord scattered them abroad
from there over the face of the whole earth, and they stopped building the
city.’” --
(Genesis 11: 3-8. NASB). Here again, notice that God refers to
Himself as Us, or as the Trinity even though the word “Trinity” is
never used. Even so, it was the Trinity of God that went down and confused the
language of the people.
the Older Covenant/ Testament, God indicates through the making of the
Tabernacle and through all the items He ask Moses to place within the
Tabernacle that God’s Son would someday come to deliver the people. Indeed,
Christ, the Son of God, would one day come to Deliver or to Save people
from eternal death if they chose to believe on Him. In the meantime, the
tabernacle and the rituals of the tabernacle represented and reminded the
people that a blood sacrifice was needed for the cleansing of their sins and
that the Deliverer would be the ultimate blood sacrifice. Even though their
present situation in sacrificing bulls, and lambs could not truly cleanse them
from their sins, it could remind them that they were sinners and that they
needed a Deliverer who would be Jesus Christ, God’s Son. God would send His Son,
part of the Trinity of God, to save His people. But, God did not stop with the
Tabernacle in pointing to the coming Christ. For, God also used His prophets to
prophesy the coming of Jesus Christ, The Son of God.
Regarding the Coming Son of God
the Older Covenant/ Testament God used prophets to talk to the people and to
show them how to live and what God expected of them. Sometimes the people
listened to the prophets, but at other times they ignored them until the
prophecy was fulfilled and they then experienced the consequences of their
sinfulness. Fortunately, the prophet’s words were recorded so that today we can
see how God fulfilled all of their prophecies back then and how Jesus Christ,
God’s Son, fulfilled their prophecies about the coming Messiah, or Deliverer.
first prophecy, though, came directly from God in the Book of Genesis. Right
after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge and
Good and Evil, God found Adam and Eve hiding from Him. When asked why they were
hiding, they told God that it was because they were naked. Obviously, they were
now aware of their nakedness, so God knew they had eaten of the forbidden tree.
But, when asked why they ate the fruit, each blamed someone else. Adam blamed
Eve for telling him the fruit was good and encouraging him to eat of it. Then, Eve
blamed the Serpent who twisted her words and confused her, causing her to go
ahead and eat of the fruit. But, God knew that both of them were to blame. Notice that even
back then people were trying to blame someone else besides themselves for the
thing that they had personally done. Not taking responsibility for our own
actions will not get us out of discipline or away from the repercussions from our sinful
actions. Although God is a loving God, He is also just and judicious. That
being the case, God had to give Adam and Eve their punishment. (To read about
their punishment read Genesis 3).
prophecy about sending His Son to earth to save people from their sins occurred
at the same time that God told Satan or the serpent what his punishment would
be. “So
the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, you will be
punished. … You will grovel in the dust as long as you live, crawling along on
your belly. From now on, you and the woman will be enemies, and your
offspring and her offspring will be enemies. He will crush your head,
and you will strike his heel.” – (Genesis 3: 14,
15. NLT).
The phrase “and you will strike His heel”
is a prophecy that Satan would make several attempts to defeat Christ while He
was on earth. Indeed, the Bible records Satan’s many attempts to defeat Christ,
but to Christ each of Satan's attempts were just a strike at Christ’s heel. However, the
phrase “He will crush your head” was also a prophecy regarding God’s
plan for Christ to ultimately defeat Satan and offer Salvation to the world. This
prophecy was fulfilled when Christ defeated Satan by arising from the dead, conquering eternal death and giving humans a chance for Salavation.
in the Book of Deuteronomy, God told Moses that He would raise up a prophet for
His people among the Israelites. That prophecy was fulfilled in John 7: 40 when
some of the people in the crowds around Jesus said, “This man surely is a Prophet.
Others said, He is the Messiah.” But, God also prophesied about the coming Deliverer,
i.e. His Son, through God’s instructions for the Passover Meal at the time of
the Exodus from Egypt. For, of the
sacrificial lamb that the people were to share at the evening meal or evening
supper on their last night in Egypt, God said that the people could not “carry
any of its (the lambs’ meat) outside, and you may not break any of its
bones.” – (Exodus 12: 46. NLT).
This statement was both symbolic and prophetic of the fact that none of
Christ’s bones as the sacrificial lamb
for all people would be broken at His crucifixion. For, centuries later when
the soldiers came and broke the legs of the two men crucified on either side of
Christ, they then turned to Christ to break his legs, too, in order to speed up
the death process. “But when they came to Jesus, they saw that He was dead already, so they
didn’t break His legs.” – (John 19: 32).
This fulfilled God’s prophecy and its symbolism.
prophets also spoke of Christ or the future Messiah coming to earth to save
God’s people. Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah was to be born of a virgin in
Isaiah 7: 14. Later in the New Testament, both Matthew and Luke told of the
virgin birth of Christ in Matthew 1: 18-25 and in Luke 1: 26-38. The prophet
Micah also prophesied about Christ’s birth in that the Messiah was to be born
in Bethlehem, which was recorded in Micah 5: 2. Indeed, Christ the Messiah was
born in Bethlehem as recorded in Matthew 2: 1-6 and in Luke 2: 1-20.
Christ started His ministry and toward the end of His time here on earth, we
discover that the prophecy of Zechariah came true too. For, Zechariah prophesied that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem in triumph as recorded in Zechariah 9:
9. Then it happened that only a week before His crucifixion, Christ did enter
Jerusalem in triumph, which is recorded in both Matthew 21: 1-9 and in John 12:
Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be rejected by His own people, the Jews, in
Isaiah 53: 1, 3. This prophecy was fulfilled and described in Matthew 26: 3, 4,
John 12: 37-43 and in Acts 4: 1-12. Isaiah also prophesied that the Messiah,
the Son of God, was to be tried and condemned in court. This prophecy is
recorded in Isaiah 53: 8 and later fulfilled in Matthew 27: 1, 2 and in Luke
22: 1-25.
you have read the Bible, you might remember that Isaiah prophesies that when
charged Christ would not defend Himself against the false accusations being
made by the Jewish hierarchy. Isaiah said that the Messiah would be silent
before His accusers, and this is recorded in Isaiah 53: 7. Again centuries
later, we indeed learn that Christ the Messiah did not speak up in His defense as
seen through the writings of Matthew, Mark and Luke. You can find this
fulfillment of prophecy in Matthew 27: 12-14; Mark 15: 3-4; and in Luke 23: 8-
also learn from Isaiah that Christ would be physically abused as He was taken
before the Pharisees and Sadducees. Isaiah, the prophet, said that the Messiah
would be struck and spat upon by His enemies. Sure enough that is exactly what
happened centuries later when Christ was taken before these two groups of
important Jews. We are told of this incident in both Matthew 26: 67; 27: 30 and
in Mark 14: 65. But, King David also prophesied in Psalm 22: 7-8 that the
Messiah would be mocked and insulted by His enemies. This, too, occurred and
was recorded in Matthew 27: 39-44 and in Luke 23: 11, 35.
Christ was crucified. Christ’s crucifixion was also prophesied by King David
years before it happened. Psalm 22 gives us such verses as “My
God, my God! Why have you forsaken Me?” in verse 1. Later Jesus quoted
this verse while hanging on the cross as recorded in Matthew 27: 46. Then in verse 7-8 of Psalm 22 David writes
these words: “Everyone who see me mocks me. They sneer and shake their heads, saying,
Is this the one who relies on the LORD? Then let the LORD save him! If the LORD
loves him so much, let the LORD rescue him.” This prophecy was
fulfilled as Christ hung on the cross. The religious leaders and others
watching the crucifixion mocked Him saying, “… So he is the King of Israel, is
he? Let him come down from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusted
God – let God show His approval by delivering him! For he said, ‘I am the Son
of God.’” – (Matthew 27: 42, 43. NLT).
The Cruelty of the Cross and the Sacrifice
Christ Made for You and Me
before Christ was even born, let alone crucified, David wrote this prophecy: “My
life is poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. … My tongue
sticks to the roof of my mouth. You have left me in the dust and left me for
dead. My enemies surround me like a pack of dogs and evil gang closes in on me.
They have pierced my hands and feet. I can count every bone in my body. My
enemies stare at me and gloat. They divide my clothes among themselves and
throw dice for my garments.” – (Psalm 22:14, 16-18.
David could only know these words to write through divine inspiration and
prophecy from the Lord, because it would be centuries before these words would
come true for the Son of God.
someone was crucified, several things happened. First the cross was placed on
the ground. Then the person was laid on the cross while the soldiers placed
large spike like nails in the upper palms next to the wrist bone where they
were hammered into the bone and flesh. The person’s legs were usually crossed
at the ankles and then a large spike like nail was hammered into the ankles.
Afterward, the cross was raised and placed within a previously dug hole so that
the cross would stand up-right. The weight of the human body and gravity,
though, would keep the person on the cross from being able to get enough air
into their lungs to breathe, unless they pushed up with their fractured ankles
and pulled up with their broken wrists at the same time. This torturous
movement would allow the diaphragm to expand just enough to get a breath of
air. Eventually, though, the shoulders would separate from all the weight hanging
on them and from the gravitational pull. When this shoulder separation happened
it would keep the person from being able to pull upward to get that needed
breath of air. As each breath of air became harder to get, the body would start
to shut down and the person would eventually suffocate to death. It was a slow
and cruel process.
the Son of God was hanging on the cross, several things happened that would
fulfill the prophecy about Christ found in the Older Covenant/ Testament. The
Apostle Matthew records in His book of the same name that “The soldiers gave Him wine mixed
with bitter gall, but when He tasted it, He refused to drink it. After they had
nailed Him to the cross, the soldiers gambled for His clothes by throwing
dice. Then they sat around and kept guard as He hung there.” -- (Matthew 27: 34, 35.
The Gospel of John goes into a little more detail about the guards and Christ’s
clothes. “When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they divided His clothes among
the four of them. They also took His robe, but it was seamless, woven in one
piece from the top. So they said, ‘Let’s not tear it but throw dice to see who
gets it.’ This fulfilled the Scripture that says, ‘They divided my clothes
among themselves and threw dice for my robe.’” –
(John 19: 23, 24. NLT.).
Gospel of John also records the fulfillment of the prophecy about Christ’s thirst.
The Apostle John said in his record of the crucifixion that “Jesus
knew that everything was now finished, and to fulfill the Scriptures He said,
“I am thirsty.’ A jar of sour wine was sitting there, so they soaked a sponge
in it, put it on a hyssop branch, and held it to His lips. When Jesus had
tasted it, He said, ‘It is finished!’ Then He bowed his head and gave up His
spirit.” – (John 19: 28-30. NLT).
many thought that was the end of Jesus Christ, they were wrong. For, Jesus had
not lost His Kingdom, nor was He defeated as Satan wished. Instead, Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, would be the King of the Kingdom of God. His death and
ultimate resurrection would strike down Satan’s hold on the world and establish
Christ’s authority over this world. Even the mocking sign that the Romans had placed
above Christ on the cross, stating that He was “The King of the Jews” would
turn out to be true. For, Christ is indeed now King of the Jews, King of
Gentiles, and King over all the Earth.
was only in the grave three days, and when He arose He was then seen by more
than five hundred people alive. Then when He went back to Heaven, Christ
promised to return and to rule over the earth for a thousand years. There is
such love in the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for us and such love in the
Father who freely gave His Son so that we could someday, in believing in Christ
as the risen Son of God, spend eternity in Heaven with the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, i.e. The Trinity of God.
Until next time, remember, too, that if you are already a true Christian, You can do it! You can empower another person to be all they can be for God. You can actively mentor another person for Christ. You can share the Gospel message, and You can live your life with purpose.
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